Selecting the Ideal Wedding Anniversary Gifts for Couples

In today’s modern era, there’s certainly no shortage of wedding anniversary gifts for couples that you can buy and offer up to the celebrants. Catalogs and department stores are full of such offerings, each promising something better than the last.

It’s the thought that counts, they say - and if this is true, why not give some extra thought to the wedding anniversary gift you give next? After all, it is supposed to be about the people in your life, and the way to provide a truly special gift is to give it some thought. It’s not just about a purchase. The old adage rings true.

If you’ve gotten here through a maze of wedding anniversary gifts and you’re looking for something special, consider these pointers. Follow them and forge your own path to more meaningful, more personal, customized wedding anniversary gifts for couples.

Consider the Year the Couple is Celebrating

Probably the quickest way, and certainly the most formulaic, to choose a special gift for a wedding anniversary is to keep the year they’re celebrating in mind. Both tradition and renewed interpretation of tradition have their own guidelines for the type of gift you should give for this or that anniversary, considering the year in question.

For example, it is customary to give a gift of paper for a couple’s first wedding anniversary. Paper, like a new marriage, can be used to craft beautiful artistic gifts and expressions, but it, also like a new marriage, is unquestionably fragile. It can easily be damaged, but given the proper care and respect, it will last for a long time - even a lifetime.

What falls within our wheelhouse here at J Devlin Glass Art are 3 year and 15 year wedding anniversary gifts. The traditional gift for a 3 year wedding anniversary is leather, but there has been a movement to give modern gifts of glass or crystal.

If we do say so ourselves, glass gifts, like personalized photo frames or keepsake boxes make excellent 3 year anniversary gift ideas for several reasons. Glass, like a young marriage, is a beautiful thing, and though glass seems to have the semblance of more permanence than paper, it can still be damaged. Handle it gently and treat it with care, and a glass gift, however, is an heirloom that will last forever.

The traditional gift for 15 year wedding anniversaries has been crystal. Our glass gifts, made from real, Tiffany method stained glass that will never fade, handmade and ornamented with elegant solder scrollwork, are ideal gifts for a special couple celebrating such a momentous occasion.

Personalize the Gift

Another great way to settle on the perfect gift for the happy couple is to personalize it. There are many gifts out there, but you can make any gift special - even a mundane one - with the added touch of thoughtful customization.

This is the reason that so many of our anniversary-themed gifts give you the ability to personalize them with meaningful inscriptions. Naturally, you can add names and dates to some of our unique wedding anniversary gifts for couples, but in some instances you can even add personal quotes or passages, providing a nice, unique touch.

While the fact that they are all unique, handmade items created by skilled artisans do not necessarily make them personalized, it does make them one-of-a-kind. Therefore, adding a custom touch to our already unique glass gifts only heightens the intrigue!

Add a Photo of a Special Memory

You can also make a wedding anniversary gift all the more special by adding a special photo of the happy couple, or of some other cherished memory or place in time. They also say that a picture says a thousand words. Sometimes this is painfully true - in this instance, it is joyously true.

You can create a gift that will be adored and cherished for a lifetime by ensconcing a beloved memory in the gift itself. A picture from the wedding day; a picture of the young couple from before marriage; any of these things can take a plain gift and add in layers of emotional complexity that will make it truly precious.

Suit a Theme

You can also choose to suit a theme of design or color with a wedding anniversary gift in order to make a nice offering. It might seem silly, but if the people hosting the party have gone with a theme that can be better accented with a color, pattern, design or aesthetic, you can complement the atmosphere and the memory of the event with a gift that was carefully chosen to mesh with the setting. Just a final thought - colors count, and there’s a rainbow of color in our collection of gifts.

To learn more about what we offer in the way of anniversary gifts, get in touch with us at 844-772-2145. You can also shop through our collection of wedding anniversary gifts through the link in this article! 

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